August 27, 2021 December 8th, 2021
Kat Whiting, Greg Thornton, Clare Belfield & Phyllis Miller

Mayor of Forbes Shire Council, Cr. Phyllis Miller is encouraged by the opening of several new businesses in the area in 2021 despite the challenges faced during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Attending the opening of MBC Group Services earlier in the year, Cr. Miller spoke of the confidence local businesses gain with the introduction of new professional services to the town.
“I am passionate about my beloved town of Forbes and its economic future,” Cr. Miller said. “My passion for Forbes is to have a great health network, education, policing and a strong economic base with jobs growth and having access to great financial services is essential for growth.”

With a team of experts across a range of areas, MBC Group Services opened their Forbes office in April to offer bookkeeping, accounting, financial planning, SMSF, lending and specialty business advisory services, and providing a holistic approach for regional businesses.

“We are a tight knit community and generations of families choose Forbes to raise their children,” Cr. Miller said.
With husband-and-wife businesses thriving, Cr. Miller says Forbes young demographic, with a median age of 38 years, means an increase in digitally based businesses is set to take off.
“While young people tend to leave after they finish school to travel and study, they return back to Forbes because it’s a great place to live but they also bring with them fantastic skills that add to the fabric of our economic development.”

Cr. Miller has worked with large companies to bring jobs to our community and welcomes regionally based businesses to extend their customer base as well.
“My aim is to continue to see the population grow, and create new jobs through sound economic development policy, to make Forbes the place of choice to live, work and play.”

A locally owned firm with over 50 years’ experience in the Central West, MBC has expanded to include a diverse number of financial services with a focus on small business and the agricultural industry.

The Forbes office is open five days a week from 8.30am to 5.00pm offering face to face meetings and access to the full range of services for businesses in the Forbes district.