The landscape in Central West NSW is currently blanketed by vivid yellow Canola fields. Farmers are busily preparing for the end of the cropping season. They are catching up with their agronomist to review the crops, plan for pre-harvest crop applications, and re-estimate potential yields, as well as trips to town for spare parts for the essential checking and maintenance of wind-rowing and harvest machinery.
It is widely acknowledged that pre-harvest preparations (‘working in the business) are crucial and super time-critical. However not so many realize that now is also a really important time to update and reforecast the farm business cashflow (‘working on the business’).
A revised cashflow will provide answers to questions such as;
- What impact have the updated yield estimates had on the financial outcome of this season?
- Will the cashflow be sufficient to cover the annual equipment loan payments due post-harvest?
- How much grain do I need to sell at harvest to meet my cashflow needs over the summer?
- What is the impact on my cashflow of retaining grain until next year?
- Can I afford to pre-purchase crop fertilizer and chemical for next year in case there is a shortage when I need it most?
Having an up-to-date forecast provides real-time knowledge of the financial position of the farm. This, combined with a plan for your grain selling program, generates peace of mind and confidence in the decisions. You’ve made it before harvest even starts, leaving you free to fully focus on getting the grain in the silo and sleeping soundly at the end of the day.
MBC Group Services is ready to assist with your Farm Business Cashflow. Contact us at to find out more.