How do you know what services you need from your financial advisor? Do you just do what you have to do i.e. an annual tax return? You, your family and your business probably need more than just compliance preparation but you just don’t know it. So let’s talk about how it could be…
Your very first meeting with MBC Group Services will set the scene. You may be asked to draw your current scenario in a mud map – entity names, kids names and ages, properties, debt, revenue, expenses, wills, insurances etc etc.
Then we’ll discuss your future: What are your goals over the next 3-5 years? Do they align with your partner? Your family? Your business partner?
Once your goals are articulated, we can talk about how your future should look and determine what structures are best for you.
It doesn’t matter what your financial affairs look like today or if they are in a complete mess. What’s important is where you want to go and how to set yourself up so that you can get there.
You’ll never achieve your goals while you’re financially disorganised. The MBC Team are here to help you become prepared and organised so that you can achieve your goals.
Goal setting is an ongoing process that you need to revisit at least every year. It’s an outline of where you want to take yourself and your business, and what you need to achieve to get there. We are here to provide the advice, the right financial products and services which will help you achieve your goals.
To take more control of your financial affairs, get in touch and work with an accountant who is proactive rather than reactive, and will steer you towards your chosen future. Call 6362 0988 or email to book an obligation free appointment.